
50th Logo Master Layered Logo Web SmallThis page contains details from the handbook, for ease of reference. A copy of the handbook is issued to each new starter in the setting. These are sometimes misplaced, and this should fill many of the gaps that can result.


Dear Parent/Carer,
We look forward to welcoming you and your child to our Pre-School. We value your involvement in our work as a Pre-School and will seek to work in partnership with you on the basis of shared understanding, mutual respect and dialogue.

Ridings Pre-School is based in the old village school, which is leased to us from the Derby Diocese. We have a fully enclosed playground, with a soft surface, used for outdoor learning and activities. Inside there is a large playroom offering a wide selection of activities that provides children with a stimulating and fun environment. We have a wide selection of toys and resources that allows the children to participate in free play, making their own decisions and choices. We have organised heuristic play and chatterbooks sessions that differentiate individuals learning. The children also enjoy group singing, dancing, music and movement sessions.
At Ridings Pre-School we operate a key person system. This is where all the children are allocated a member of staff who will have specific roles with supporting your child’s progress through their settling in and early years development. They will make regular contact with parents to discuss children’s development and learning. This does not mean that they are the only person who works with your child as information is always share with the staff team.

If you have any questions with regard to your child’s placement please come in and speak to Jane Cooper, Early Years Manager. We hope that you find this handbook a useful tool in introducing you and your child to Ridings Pre-School.
Following the Ofsted inspection of April 2022, we are delighted that the judgements made on quality and standards of care and nursery education are Good in all areas. A full report can be found at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/

Our service is based on the belief that children feel secure, valued and confident an develop a sense of achievement through learning which is pleasurable and therefore rewarding. We believe that equality of opportunity should underpin all aspects of our work with a view to understanding and overcoming prejudice and discrimination.

Early Years Funding
Having been successfully inspected by Ofsted the Pre-School is able to claim funding for eligible 3 and 4 year olds who are receiving early years care and education. Your child is entitled to 15 hours Government Funding from the term after their 3rd birthday. This funding is applied for by us on your behalf and on the completion of an EY1 form. If you intend to access any or your entire child’s funding entitlement at Pre-School please to speak to the Manager before your child turns 3.

Funding is now available for 2 year olds who meet certain eligibility criteria.


The Revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) introduced from September 2014 is a framework for the care, education and welfare of children from birth to 5 years and underpins all working practices within the Pre-School. Through their play, children will learn at their highest level and with the support of our highly professional staff team will make achievements across all areas.

The information below sets out seven areas of learning that form the basis of the foundation stage curriculum. These areas are:

  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Communication and language
  • Maths
  • Understanding the world
  • Physical development
  • Expressive arts and design
  • Literacy

Each area of learning has a set of related Early Learning Goals. Ridings Preschool promotes early learning and plans to meet the diverse needs of the children so that all will achieve and some will go beyond the early learning goals by the end of the reception class in school. We aim to make all our sessions both stimulating and fun so that each child will gain maximum enjoyment and learning opportunity. It is our responsibility to observe and assess our children within the Pre-School and a learning journal is made for each child with written assessments and samples of their work. If you do not wish for us to make written observations of your child you must speak with the manger before the placement commences.

A typical session at Pre-School

At the start of each session we mark all the children present in a register , The children are then grouped for story time in order to focus on each specific group . The children are then able to participate in a variety of adult initiated or free choice play activities.
Whenever possible the children are able to flow freely outside to play in our safe and secure playground with a large selection of apparatus and resources. Every child is actively encouraged to participate, and develop at their own pace whilst learning through their play.
During the session the children are provided with a drink and a snack in a relaxed café style format. Snacks are charged at 10p per session, and invoiced at the start of each term. The session is completed with a group time for singing, music and movement or ring games.

Lunch Club
If your child is staying for lunch club, you need to provide them with a healthy lunch and drink. All in a clearly labelled lunch bag or box. (please note we only offer children water). No sweets or fizzy drinks. The fridge is available for you to place any items requiring this.

In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials it is essential that you send your child dressed in clothes that are suitable and that children are free to get messy in. We do provide aprons that children can wear during messy activities. It is good for children to practice the skills that will allow them to develop independence therefore simple clothing that they can handle themselves will enable them to go to the toilet freely. We have special low children’s toilets and sinks for their easy use. We do admit children who are not fully toilet trained, though we require that you provide nappies and wipes etc. in a small, clearly named bag that is left in the toilet area.

We expect you to inform us if you know that your child will not be attending Pre-school for whatever reason, please phone 01332 670808. You are required to notify us in writing if your child has/will be absent from pre-school for 5 days or more either through illness or holiday.

Pre-School application
Application forms must be completed and returned to Pre-School in order that your child can be considered for a place as soon as they reach 2 years or as soon as possible after this. You will be contacted by the Manager several weeks before this time and advised as to which daily sessions are available.

Payment of fees
Invoices are issued each half term in advance. It is a responsibility of the Committee that Pre-School fees are reviewed on an annual basis and parents will be informed of any changes. Any sessions not attended due to illness, family holidays or any other reason, must be paid for in full. Present fee costs are available on request from the Manager. It is a requirement of the Pre-School that 4 weeks notice of termination is given. We are registered with a number of .schemes to take e-payments or vouchers that are purchased through some employers.

There is always a qualified First Aider on duty and basic First Aid will be administered as necessary. All accidents and injuries will be documented in an accident report. The child’s parent/ carer must sign the report on collection. If a hospital visit is required parents will be informed immediately.

Reporting of Injuries Occurring Outside Pre-School
Under the Guidance of ‘Safeguarding Children’ we have a responsibility to record injuries that children have when they arrive at Pre-School. It is your responsibility as parent/carer to inform us of any injuries- cuts, bumps, significant bruises that have occurred to your child outside of Pre-School. You need to report these to a member of staff who will ask you to complete a record sheet. This information protects both parties from any question of how/when injuries happened.
If any member of staff suspects that a child has received a non-accidental injury the Pre-School reserves the right to contact the local Social Care Department.

Property and belongings
No responsibility will be accepted by Pre-School for loss or damage to a child’s property. We therefore ask that children do not bring their own toys, except comforters, to Pre-School and that all clothes are named.

Illness and medication

Parents must not bring their child to Pre-School if they are unwell or have suffered diarrhoea or sickness in the previous 48 hours. We will only administer medicines that have been prescribed by a GP and on completion of written authority from a parent. Without this we will not give children any form of medicine or skin cream including sun cream and nappy cream

It is our policy not to allow unknown visitors into pre-school and identification will be required before admittance is allowed. It is therefore necessary that staff are informed if
someone different to usual is collecting your child from pre-school. We require that this is noted in the signing in book on arrival at pre-school. We will not let your child leave with a stranger. Please do not open the gate to anyone you do not know or has no reason to be at pre-school

Additional needs
Our Pre-school aims to provide a welcome and appropriate learning opportunity for all
children and we will work in liaison with other professionals as required. Our system of
observation and record keeping, that operates in conjunction with parents, enables us to
monitor children’s needs and progress on an individual basis.

Equal Opportunity
Our Pre-school is open to every family in the community. Resources and materials are
chosen to give a balanced view of the world and to enable them to develop their respect
for others by avoiding stereotypes and derogatory pictures and messages. Discriminatory
behaviour or remarks are unacceptable in the group.

Managing Children’s Behaviour
Corporal punishment is strictly forbidden at Pre-school. We will not restrain or physically
remove children form parents without their permission. Our aim is to distract and calm any unwanted behaviour, never ridiculing or humiliating any child. Any persistent behaviour problems will be discussed with the child’s parents.

Health and Safety
At Pre-school there is a strict NO SMOKING policy.
We have a thorough Health & Safety Policy that has attempted to cover all aspects that
protect adults & children’s welfare whilst at Pre-School. Please note:- we only administer
medicines on completion of a consent form. Mobile phones MUST NOT be used on the
premises at any time.

The Pre-school’s work with children and their families will sometimes bring us into contact with confidential information. Any information will be treated as strictly confidential between the staff and parents.

If at any time you have a complaint, you should not hesitate in making your views known by contacting the Manager or Committee Chairperson. Any complaint brought to our attention will be dealt with promptly and sensitively. If you are still not satisfied with the outcome you may refer your complaint to: Ofsted, National Business Unit, Northern Region, Royal Exchange Buildings, St. Annes Square, Manchester, M2 7LA Phone :03001231231
All policies and procedures are available within Pre-school.

Parents Committee and Charity Trustees

Ridings Pre-School Committee is a group of parent volunteers who have a responsibility
to keep the Pre-School running. The Pre-school must supplement its income with fundraising to help pay for maintenance of the building and purchasing educational
resources. As a registered charity we also submit grants and take part in schemes that provide free equipment such as Sainsburys Active Kids Vouchers. We do expect all families to support the Committee’s activities and events.

The committee has the legal responsibility to ensure that all legislative requirements
are upheld and promoted. They need to keep informed with current issues governing
employment law. They have responsibility for maintaining the property and securing
financial stability. This is an extremely responsible role within the Pre-School, but with team work and commitment is not as daunting as it sounds. We meet once a month for a couple of hours.

Help us make a difference!
Until you become a member you really are not aware of how important the committee is to ensuring the day to day running of this successful Pre-school. Being a voluntary committee member takes dedication and commitment, but also provides you with the opportunity to secure the future of the Pre-School. It offers opportunities to meet other parents.
If you would like to join us then please speak to either a current committee member or a member of staff .or come along to the AGM held during the Autumn term.
Many thanks

  • Ways in Which You Can Support the Pre-School
  • Helping out at a session
  • Taking the weekly laundry for a quick wash
  • Joining in DIY Days
  • Supporting Fund Raising activities